Car accidents occur every day, but you might not think one will ever happen to you. No matter how careful you are, however, reckless and irresponsible drivers could put your life at risk. If you do get into a collision, it is imperative to take the correct steps toward obtaining compensation from the at-fault party. Filing a prompt claim could preserve your right to hold the defendant financially responsible.
At the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C., our Frisco car accident attorneys are passionate about helping crash victims. We have spent years studying and practicing this area of law in Texas. Our lawyers may be able to help you recover after a serious collision. Learn your legal options today during a free consultation. Call (214) 200-4878 24/7.
Why Hire Us?
- We have extensive experience in personal injury and auto accident law in Texas.
- We earned the highest possible AVVO rating for our efforts and outcomes.
- We obtained more than 50 jury verdicts at trial for our personal injury clients.
- We have one of the only personal injury board-certified trial lawyers in Texas.
- We accept Frisco car accident cases on a contingency fee basis.
Why You Need a Frisco Car Accident Lawyer
Working through a car accident claim takes understanding Texas’ insurance and fault laws, as well as recognizing who should be responsible for your losses. It also takes being able to present your case clearly and convincingly to an insurance company, judge or jury. Unfortunately, insurers can make it difficult to receive fair compensation for damages. A Frisco personal injury lawyer can represent you during settlement negotiations or a personal injury trial in Collin County. Your lawyer can help you achieve fair results while you focus on healing.
Click to learn more if you’ve been in an
accident with an uninsured motorist in Frisco.
Types of Car Accidents
A motor vehicle can crash and cause injuries in many different ways. Accidents may happen due to driver error, dangerous roadways, defective car parts, bad weather and many other risks. At the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C., we can investigate your auto accident to determine who or what caused the crash. Then, we can represent you during negotiations with insurance companies.
- Drunk/drugged driving accidents
- Texting and driving accidents
- Drowsy driving accidents
- Single-vehicle accidents
- T-bone accidents
- Head-on collisions
- Rear-end collisions
- Rollovers
- Pedestrian collisions
- Commercial truck accidents
- Auto defect accidents
Our lawyers have years of experience representing clients in Collin County and throughout Texas during all types of automobile accident claims. No matter what specific circumstances surround your case, contact us to find out how we can help. You might have grounds to bring a cause of action against one or multiple parties for damage recovery in Frisco.
Car Accident Compensation Available
One of the ways in which a lawyer can help is to maximize the compensation you receive from the defendant. Your family should not have to pay the bills for someone else’s negligence. The attorneys at the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. can stand up for your rights and pursue fair recovery on your behalf.
- Vehicle damage repairs
- Rental car costs
- Hospital and medical bills
- Lost wages, now and in the future
- Disability expenses, if applicable
- Physical pain and emotional injuries
Whether you suffered a serious injury or someone close to you died in a Frisco car accident, our lawyers can help you demand justice and fair compensation. We can take over the claims process on your behalf while you focus on moving forward.
Contact a Frisco Car Accident Lawyer Today
Handling an auto accident case properly could help you achieve the outcome you need to pick up the pieces and put your life back together. Attorney Aaron A. Herbert helps crash victims recover physically, emotionally and financially. Contact us today to start your Frisco car accident claim. Call (214) 200-4878 to request a free case review.