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How People Fake Accidents: Common Schemes and Repercussions

Posted on December 18, 2015 Car Accidents
Some people will do anything to get some extra cash in their pockets, even if they have to cheat to do it. Fake accidents aren’t just morally reprehensible and unethical; they’re illegal. When people fake accidents, they take time, money, and support from people who truly suffer due to legitimate accidents. From staged car accidents to slip and fall injuries, here are some of the most common schemes and the consequences perpetrators face if caught.

Staged Car Accidents

Some people purposefully brake erratically in front of a vehicle to encourage a rear end collision. Others plan more elaborate accidents to target unsuspecting and innocent victims. Many staged accidents feature injuries an x-ray or medical evaluation can’t confirm or deny, such as chronic or severe pain. They have lots of witnesses around to support their claims, and if no video surveillance caught the scene on camera, they may have a good shot at getting away with the “accident.”

Fake Work Incidents

Not every employer in Texas has to carry workers’ compensation insurance, but those who do may find themselves vulnerable to injury schemes. Workers who’ve suffered an injury elsewhere may hide the injury and then stage an incident at work to get the insurance money. Others may exaggerate the effects of an incident or make up injuries a medical practitioner can’t disprove. Some will start the scam after a legitimate accident, pretending to have a disability to earn more time off.

Provoked Dog Bite Accidents

While the media plays up the danger of certain breeds, any dog will bite and cause damage if provoked. Some people may torment a canine to the point of an attack and then try to hold the owner accountable. If an individual knows a pooch has bitten or shown documented aggressive behavior in the past, he or she can easily bypass the one bite rule and take the owner to court. The dog will likely be put down in the process.

Slip and Fall Accidents

Anytime you’re on someone else’s property as a guest or customer, the owner is reasonably obligated to provide a safe environment. Some individuals try to take advantage of noticeable shortcomings at an establishment or create unsafe conditions. If there aren’t any cameras and the perpetrators make it look like something the owner should have known about, insurance will likely have to cover the damages or alleged injuries.

Repercussions for Accident Fraud

Accident fraud, also known as insurance fraud, sometimes goes unpunished, and the people who pay for insurance are the ones who lose. However, if the insurance company or the alleged defendant (person who “caused” the accident) can prove the perpetrator lied or staged an accident, he or she may face fines, prison time, and a permanent criminal record. It also hurts people legitimately seeking reparation by forcing insurance companies to pursue extensive investigation in every claim that has suspicious characteristics, such as a vague incident description, symptoms like chronic pain, or exaggerated claims. Furthermore, the people who were essentially framed for the accident may have to face lingering repercussions in their businesses or when paying for any damage done to their properties during the process. Some people targeted in fake accident schemes choose to take legal action against the perpetrators in the form of an injury claim to cover the costs of injuries and property damage they had to shoulder as a result of the scheme.


If one of these schemes has affected you, you can hold the perpetrator accountable. Contact our Dallas personal injury lawyers today to learn more, and we can walk you through your legal options in light of a fake accident assertion.